A new poll this morning confirms that pathological liar Donald "Rump" Trump can't fool all of the people all of the time (only somewhere around 34 percent).
From the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, by almost a 2- to- 1 majority, Americans think Rump hasn't been honest and trustworthy regarding the Special Counsel's probe of Trump- Russia collusion.

As far as Rump's conduct, a growing plurality of Americans is coming to the conclusion that he's been engaged in wrongdoing:

The same poll also shows Americans want Democrats, not Rump or Congressional Republicans, in charge of setting policy, and that 52 percent would not vote for him in 2020.
One of the pollsters, Peter Hart, said, “The dam has not burst on Donald Trump. But this survey suggests all the structural cracks [that exist] in the dam.” With multiplying investigations of Rump's business and "charitable" dealings, his payoffs to mistresses, his inaugural committee's pay- to- play operation, his financial connections with Middle East autocrats, not to mention the 800- pound Special Counsel Russia probe findings, Rump's party- before- country supporters will find it ever more difficult to stay on the garbage scow S.S. Trump as it takes on more water. So far, they've ignored, deflected and weaseled out of standing up to Rump out of mortal fear of his frothing base. Whether that changes before another election forces change is the question.
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