Sunday, December 16, 2018

Toupee Or Not Toupee? That Is The Question (UPDATED)

The White (Supremacist) House's resident xenophobe and alt-right white nationalist Stephen Miller was on the TV tubes today spewing hate -- again -- against the brown immigrants that threaten his white power worldview., vowing the Government would shut down without his master's wall. No surprise there, but we also noticed something odd about his thick noggin:

Yes, it's that thing on his head, which he didn't have just a few months ago:

He appears to have opted for a trimmer version of Putin pal Steven Seagal's "Russian Widow's Peak" model:

Must have gotten a discount from Vlad's peeps.

UPDATE:  As donnah notes in comments, the prevailing opinion seems to be that the putz used a spray- on hair product.  Cheap and easy cheesy.

1 comment:

  1. Rumor across the Internet is that it's a spray-on hair job. Personally, I never knew he could appear in daylight without bursting into flame. He is certainly ugly on the inside, so I guess the outside reflects that.
