Wednesday, December 19, 2018

So Much Lying: The Trump Tower Moscow

During the 2016 election campaign and beyond, pathological liar and Kremlin asset Donald "Rump" Trump claimed that he had no business with Russia. When the Trump Tower Moscow deal was exposed, the story shifted to nothing was agreed to and no one even signed a letter of intent to proceed with the project. Last night, CNN's Chris Cuomo shared the letter of intent, signed by Rump, to show that he and his buffoonish "lawyer" Rudy "The Truth Isn't Truth" Giuliani were lying all along. Watch the history of Rump's denials:

Not to worry, though. Giuliani's latest spin is that 1) he never said Rump didn't sign it (he did, just 2 days before to CNN's Dana Bash), and 2) it was a "bullshit" letter because nothing came of it. Then why the persistent lying about it? It's clear that there's more to come on this story given their coverup.

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