Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Pride Of The Evangelicals

As all of our living Presidents gathered at the Washington National Cathedral for former President George H.W. Bush's funeral service, Stephen Colbert took note last night of some oddities involving treasonous con man and darling of evangelical grifters Donald "Rump" Trump's participation.

Others noticed the failure of Rump and his gold digging spouse to participate in reciting a common prayer for Christians:

Prepare to hear crickets from the evangelical grifters chorus, who would have spontaneously combusted if this had been done by a Dem President.


  1. The double standard boggles the sane mind, but then, none of Trump's followers are in possession of a sane mind.

    Evangelicals are blindly and deliberately hypocritical when it comes to Trump. They will absolutely twist themselves into pretzels to absolve him of his unChristianlike behavior because in the end, they will get Conservative Supreme Court judges, and by extension, repeal of Roe v Wade. They will chew their own tongues in half to keep quiet when he proves he has no shred of Christian values.

    For Republicans, it's all the long game. Mitch McConnell is a master of the long game, and he intends to run it as long as he can. Trump is the vehicle for it.

  2. donnah -- Remember that the Teatards after Obama was elected suddenly became interested in the deficit, after years of W's fiscal mismanagement. The same hypocrisy holds true in spades for the right wing evangelicals, as you note. Hopefully, when Trumpism falls it'll bring about the fall of the huckster / "prosperity gospel" evangelicals' scam.
