Thursday, December 13, 2018

Welcome, Comrade Sheriff, Meet Maria

Today's guilty plea entered in Federal court by Russian agent of influence Maria Butina revealed the extent to which the Kremlin wanted to infiltrate right-wing organizations in the U.S. to influence policy, prominently the National Rifle Rampage Association (her plea agreement is here). Her Kremlin "controller" was a shady Russian oligarch Alexander Torshin, who wanted to curry favor with right wing organizations, and became a lifetime NRA member while directing Butina's infiltration activities.

There've been many useful idiots involved in ButinaWorld, but perhaps the most risible is former Milwaukee County sheriff and unhinged rhinestone / flair cowboy David "Uncle Ruckus" Clarke, who has a long history of brutal behavior, borderline sedition, and plain wingnuttery. Here's a couple of pics of Clarke in his element during a trip sponsored by the Kremlin for the NRA some time ago:

That's Clarke on the, appropriately, far right, arm-in-arm with Russian agent Butina. Next to the red welcome banner to the left is Torshin, and to his right is former NRA president David Keene.

Here's another cozy shot of Uncle Ruckus with Butina, who's thinking "he better not try to sit on my lap."

There's no clearer example of the deep corruption and treasonous kompromat of the Rethuglicans and  their right-wing supporters than this. One has to conclude that the "Welcome to Russia comrads [sic]" sign was the Kremlin's way of slyly showing their ownership of these useful idiots.

(hat tip to Balloon Juice)

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