Friday, January 25, 2019

As Pressure Builds, Trump Caves

Using the venue of the Rose Garden, Kremlin asset and sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump, perhaps rattled by his confidante Roger Stone's arrest this morning, announced that he would sign a clean continuing resolution for 3 weeks WITH NO BORDER WALL FUNDING, opening the government that he "proudly" closed in December. While he tried to pitch it as the result of "negotiations," it's apparent that the situation with air travel and other public safety concerns had reached a critical point and Rethuglican Senators were slowly jumping ship. Rump suggested that he might invoke "emergency powers" to construct the wall if Congress still fails to give him money for his manhood wall, the one that Mexico was supposed to pay for. That's a non-starter with most legislators, who see it as an infringement on their Constitutional role, and with Courts, who would likely see that as an unjustified power grab lacking a true "emergency." The Dems, united and led by a powerful Speaker Nancy Pelosi, stood strong against the hostage- taking and humiliated the buffoon.

With everything he does, Rump lies and changes his mind in a nanosecond, depending on how he's being received by his radical xenophobic base, represented by the likes of (M)Ann Coulter, Rush "Limpballs" Limbaugh and the Fux network bigots. He needs to get instructions from them first.

BONUSWell, here's the initial take from the Fuxers --
“If the president agrees to a three week continuing resolution with no funding for border security, but there’s an agreement to negotiate, that’s something that Nancy Pelosi has been floating for a couple of weeks now,” Fox News reporter John Roberts said. “That’s something Lindsey Graham floated a couple of weeks ago that the president rejected out of hand.” 
“So if that’s what he agrees to, it’s difficult to see this as anything but the president giving in to Democrats on Capitol Hill,” Roberts concluded. “Because he has been so insistent about the fact that any deal to reopen government needed to include money. Not just for border security, but for a border wall as well. If he gives up that significant piece of it, I would say that’s a big victory Democrats.”
Someone better keep the remote away from Smallfingers McLoser!

BONUS II:  And here's raging goblin (M)Ann Coulter's burn --



(photo: Sad!)


  1. It would be nice to think someone in the Oval Office said to Rump, Look, sir, are you the President or is Ann Coulter? But given that he's mostly just talking to Nazi Miller, Mick Mulvaney and VP Dense, that convo never happened. I think he was troubled by LaGuardia closing and massive delays at most east coast airports. I'm sure Republican leaders were getting a lot of angry phone calls from influential businessmen demanding that Trump shut down the shutdown.

  2. Jimbo -- He was told by Rethug politicos and business leaders to cut the crap and open the Government, Coulter or no Coulter. He's shown just what a corrupt, lying coward he is.

  3. It's easy for weasels like Coulter, Limbaugh and the other idiots to screech from the sidelines. If some airline disaster befell this country due to consequences of the shutdown, they'd be the first to say, "Hey, it's not my fault. I'm not the president. I don't have a vote in Congress."

  4. bluzdude -- We've heard the expression "down the block bravery," meaning someone who's not near the fight, but has a loud mouth. It applies to these nihilists on the far right.

  5. Let's hope this experience makes Trump skittish about ever picking a fight with Pelosi again. He's now far worse off than if he'd never staged a shutdown in the first place.

    I hope the libertarian cranks were paying close attention during all this. We do, in fact, need all those government workers to keep things running properly.

    Where does everybody get off calling Bush I a "wimp"? The guy was a Navy pilot who flew combat missions against the Japanese in World War II. But wingnuts are more impressed by fake machismo from guys like Bush II and Trump.

  6. Infidel -- She's so superior to him intellectually, and her strategic skills and ability to outmaneuver him portend a bad couple of years for him. While this was a terrible situation for furloughed Federal workers, I think the public rallied to their cause and recognized the service they perform. Finally, Bush I won the Distinguished Service Cross, one decoration below the Medal of Honor. As far as service to his country, Donald Bone Spurs isn't fit to shine Bush I's shoes.
