Saturday, January 26, 2019

Tweets Of The Day -- Shutting Down Trump

Now furiously backpedalling--

And, the final word --


  1. Trump's devoted followers may be dismayed by his capitulation, but they will remain loyal because they're shameless, brain-dead idiots who can't see how terrible their ideas and beliefs are. When you're a hardcore racist and/or misogynist, Trump's your guy.

    We have to keep putting on the pressure. The difference now is that we have the House Democrats working to attack the illegal activities, the corruption, and the outright dishonesty of the Republicans from Trump on down. New committees are in place to hold investigations and people are going to see out in the open what damage this Administration has been doing to the country.

    Time for our Revolution!

  2. donnah - yesterday was a watershed for this rotted out regime. It's all downhill, but faster, from now on.
