Friday, January 25, 2019

Flights Into LaGuardia Halted Over Shutdown

We'll see if this is the beginning of the crisis that causes Rethug Senators to break from shutdown-owner and sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump:
Just two days ago, the Air Traffic Controllers, Pilots and Flight Attendants associations released a joint statement saying in part:
"In our risk averse industry, we cannot even calculate the level of risk currently at play, nor predict the point at which the entire system will break. It is unprecedented."
It appears to be breaking now.


  1. Last night on Colbert, Michael Moore advised all furloughed workers to stay home if legally possible and if it would not further hurt them. I'm not a radical myself, and I can't say what I would do in their circumstances, but if they're working without pay and there's no end in sight, then staying home sends a clear message. And when airlines shut down because they can't be safe, then the workers are being responsible. And if customers can't fly, they will start complaining.

    Nobody wants to piss off their paying customers. Airlines are going to start leaning on Trump and McConnell to end this standoff. And more business owners as well, because now the Superbowl event is threatened and that's millions of dollars for that city.

    Fix it, you assholes. Get it done NOW!

  2. donnah -- Looks like a temporary 3-week CR will be presented to Rump. We'll see if Limbaugh/Colter/Ingraham etc. get to him first.....
