Sunday, January 27, 2019

QOTD: Case Against Stone A "Slam Dunk"

Batman villain cosplayer and degenerate political slime machine Roger Stone is facing 7 felony counts for his role as a Trump campaign go-between with Russian intelligence in the Russiagate scandal. Stone may feel cocky about beating the charges, but Peter Zeidenberg, a former Federal prosecutor, thinks not:
"As someone who prosecuted Scooter Libby and others on similar charges and defended white-collar cases involving similar charges as those alleged here—false statements, obstruction of justice and witness tampering—my takeaway is that Stone should begin getting his affairs in order. Barring a presidential pardon (always the wild-card possibility with a POTUS like Trump) Stone will be convicted and receive a very substantial prison sentence. This is as close to a slam-dunk case as a prosecutor will ever bring. " (our emphasis)
Whether he'll serve that "substantial prison sentence" depends on whether Russian asset and crime family head Donald "Rump" Trump wants to add another article of impeachment, abuse of power, to the growing list. In the meantime, it will be great to see Stone squirm.

(photo: "Tell The Joker that I've found Batman's cave.")


  1. Lots of questions in my mind about Stone, who is some sort of bizarro cartoon caricature of a guy. He likes being outrageous. He loves the spotlight and will take negative attention over no attention. He's an asshole and proud of it.

    He's been in the political arena for decades, and largely associated with Trump. He probably has more skeletons in his closet than a medical storage facility. So it's not a surprise to anyone that he's being indicted.

    So here's where I get fuzzy. Stone has seen countless others in his circle being questioned, indicted, and jailed, and yet he is gloating to the public that he's untouchable. His two properties were raided and he was led from his residence in handcuffs. Has anyone heard whether or not the authorities got a lot of information from the raids? Was he sitting on tons of incriminating evidence like Cohen was? And if he had all sorts of evidence, why didn't he destroy it? Or did he? It's very confusing.

    I'm hoping that time will reveal answers to all of these questions and more. Stone glories in the attention, but I hope that turns to despair. He's sworn loyalty to Donald Trump, sure, but so had Manafort and Cohen. They all squeal when squeezed hard enough.

    I'm not sure how much longer my heart can take the stress.

  2. donnah -- We probably won't get an accounting of what additional things the Feds seized (e.g., hard drives, etc.) in their raids on Friday, but you can be sure that they already have the documentation -- paper, electronic, etc. -- necessary to have charged him with multiple felonies. Mueller is very careful in that regard. It's more a case of what additionally they can find among his things, which may lead to new charges. He's signaling Trump about a pardon, but that increases Trump's exposure to abuse of power charges if he were to pardon him for not talking.

  3. Batman villain cosplayer

    Snort. I've been seeing bloggers asking if it was actually the fashion police who arrested him.

    Dunno about Batman's cave, but Trump's recent cave may have improved the odds of a pardon, because he'll be desperate to feel he's winning something.

  4. infidel -- First, thanks for the link this morning. You have the best, most eclectic Sunday roundup anywhere.
    We wish he'd come to the door in Depends. He's a freak in the underworld of politics. Hope his number's up this time.
