Sunday, January 27, 2019

Let's Play "Not An Immigrant!"

Contrary to the racist lies used by vicious demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump (a.k.a., Individual 1), undocumented immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans.  Studies going back 25 years bear this outA study in Texas by the libertarian right- wing Cato Institute bore this out.  But, of course, the truth wouldn't be of use to the demagogue or his rotted out party!

So, just looking at stories in the national news in the last 5 days, let's play "Not an immigrant!"

The loathsome crony of Individual 1 arrested on 7 felony counts Friday?  Not an immigrant!

The Florida bank shooter who killed 5 people last Wednesday?  Not an immigrant!

The Louisiana man who killed his parents and 3 others on Saturday?  Not an immigrant!

The Georgia man who killed 4 people Thursday night?  Not an immigrant!

The California teacher arrested for molesting two 14-year-old students?  Not an immigrant!

The Pennsylvania State Representative under investigation for sexual assault? Hey, it's a good, upstanding white Republican -- not an immigrant!

We're not saying undocumented immigrants don't commit crimes, just that the facts don't support the ugly narrative being stoked by likely the greatest criminal ever to occupy the Oval Office.

BONUS:  However, undocumented immigrants can apparently be trusted for certain things, like maintaining the luxury golf property of one lying, fat ass shitgibbon.