We noted last week that bloated bully and George Washington Bridge traffic controller, former NJ Governor Chris "Krispykreme" Christie has a score-settling book coming out on January 29. In it, he trashes current and former members of the regime of Kremlin asset and incompetent buffoon Donald "Rump" Trump, clearly angry that he was summarily canned as Rump's transition director. Here are some of his latest bouquets, via Axios:
"Donald so urgently needed the right people around him and a solid structure in place. ... Far too often, he’s found himself saddled with the riffraff. ...We'd dispute Krispykreme's choice of "saddled": these were Rump's "only the best people" that he chose because they kissed his bigly behind. But please go on, oh rotund avenger:
Instead of high-quality, vetted appointees for key administration posts, he got the Russian lackey and future federal felon Michael Flynn as national security adviser. He got the greedy and inexperienced Scott Pruitt as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency." (our emphasis)
"The day after Trump was elected, he was handed a detailed road map that would have avoided many of these pitfalls and launched him on a far more promising path, a plan that was fully consistent with his values [ed.: WTF are those?], his campaign promises, and his publicly stated views.
But that plan was thrown in the trash. Literally.Actually, he got the launch he richly deserved, and we've been paying for it ever since. Life would be so grand if Krispykreme had run the show!
All thirty binders [ed.: full of women?] were tossed in a Trump Tower dumpster, never to be seen again. Steve Bannon, Rick Dearborn, Jared Kushner and others, for their own selfish reasons, got rid of the guidance that would have made their candidate an immensely more effective president and would have saved him an awful lot of heartache, too. In so doing, they stole from the man they’d just helped elect the launch he so richly deserved." (our emphasis)
It seems there's also some reptilian life in the White (Supremacist) House, too. A Guardian review of ex-Rump employee Cliff Sims' tell-all book, "Team of Vipers," reveals that there's a lot of biting and scratching going on:
"Sarah Sanders, Trump’s press secretary, possessed a casual attitude toward truth-telling when it came to the press, according to the book. In Sims’ words, Sanders 'didn’t press as hard as she could have for the rock-bottom truth', adding that her 'gymnastics with the truth would tax even the nimblest of prevaricators, and Sanders was not that'. At least Sims believes that Sanders was not a 'natural liar'.Their Secret Santa gifts must have been a hoot.
Likewise, Kellyanne Conway, the high priestess of 'alternative facts', comes in for her share of incoming. Sims spills the beans on Conway repeatedly trashing Jared Kushner, Reince Priebus, Steve Bannon and Sean Spicer to the mainstream media, while recounting to the press ostensibly private conversations with the president." (our emphasis)
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