Thursday, February 14, 2019

So Much Winning: Concessions Edition

With today's expected passage of funding to keep the government running through the end of the fiscal year without con man and bigot Donald "Rump" Trump's requested billions for his manhood wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for, there are reports that he personally contacted his peanut gallery at Fux to beg them to go easy on his capitulation:
"One call was made to Lou Dobbs, a favorite of Mr. Trump’s whose Fox Business Network show he often tries to catch live. Another was placed to Sean Hannity, the Fox host who regularly talks with the president. The message: Mr. Trump deserved support because he still forced concessions that he would never have gotten without a five-week partial government shutdown."
Yes, here's what the Great Negotiator managed to do as far as those "concessions":
"At one point last year, the president and Democrats were close to a deal in which he would get all $25 billion for the wall in exchange for protections for 1.8 million young immigrants brought to the country illegally as children. But Mr. Trump ultimately turned away because he also wanted cuts to legal immigration that Democrats would not accept. [snip] 
By the time Mr. Trump met with Ms. Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, in December, they offered $1.375 billion. The president then insisted on $5.7 billion, and when he did not get it, much of the government was left without the funding to keep doors open. [snip]

The deal reached this week returned to the same $1.375 billion available in December to pay for 55 miles of fencing along the border, although not walls based on the new steel or concrete prototypes Mr. Trump has promoted."
(our emphasis)
So the inept moron in the Oval Office literally negotiated less and less as time went on, while watching his and his party's poll numbers plummet and thousands denied a paycheck. Winning! Now, he's relying on the right-wing Wurlitzer at Fux to pretend that he's won some kind of victory.

(illustration: Richard S. Arthurson. What beautiful robes the Emperor's wearing.)


donnah said...

Oh, he's going to claim victory by using executive privilege to declare a state of emergency. Then he'll plunder whatever agencies he can to get border wall money.

Damn his soul to hell. He is running a dictatorship.

W. Hackwhacker said...

donnah -- you're right, and he's going to get a resolution of disapproval sent to the Senate by Nancy Pelosi, which will split the Republicans, then he'll get slapped with lawsuits that will tie his tiny hands for a long long time before he loses...