Sunday, February 3, 2019

Sunday Reflection

"The country has one genuinely multi-racial political party, which is by nature an anti-racist party. It has another that is rooted in white identity politics. That no more means there are no racists or people with racist pasts in the Democratic party than it means every Republican is a racist. But the basic political configuration and dichotomy of US politics today is clear. Northam just isn’t in a position to lead a state still shaped by the history of the Confederacy, not as the candidate of Democratic voters." -- Josh Marshall on the basic identity of the country's two political parties, and the what it means for Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam.  Remember that when you see and hear right- wing Republican white nationalists trying to dunk on Democrats for Northam's transgressions.

BONUSSee also this.


  1. "That no more means there are no racists or people with racist pasts in the Democratic party than it means every Republican is a racist."

    That is pure bullshit and totally wrong. Just being a "Republican" makes you a racist partly because they keep their mouths shut over their history and positions their party takes along with the rhetoric.

    Democrats don't stand for this shit and eat their own.

    It's the "both sides" nonsense that helps get us the evil bastards that Republicans are and they ARE nothing but that!

  2. One Fly - you highlighted the one sentence we would've preferred to edit out, but chose not to. Marshall's basic point should have stood on its own without the eyewash -- one party is anti-racist and the other party is rooted in white identity.
