Appearing on Anderson Cooper's show last night, former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-NE), Vietnam war vet and Medal of Honor recipient, had this to say about demagogue and draft dodger Donald "Rump" Trump's statement that the late Sen. John McCain was not "his kind of guy:"
Kerry, who lost his leg serving in Vietnam, probably has the best claim of anyone for seeing those x-rays of Rump's feet.
This is kinda bull shit because no way will this idiot would do this. Of course he evaded the draft with lies.
ReplyDeleteOneFly -- It is. But it's good to stick it to him as often as possible, knowing that Trump will never agree.
ReplyDeleteNumbnuts in Chief sez: What spurs? What Vietnam War? Is that next to California? What Tax returns? What are they?? What prostitutes? What is a prostitute? Who's John McCain? Never met him?!. Who am I? Who are you? Who, Who, Are you? .They're comin' to take me away, HA HA! HA HA HA...…..
Until someone says, "just get out, just leave because we've had enough of your horseshit" he's gonna continue to do what he's always done. Lie, cheat, steal, grab, ignore, insult.......
ReplyDeleteF.M. -- It's his alternative facts bubble that's making us reality world dwellers frustrated, angry and impatient.
ReplyDeleteRussell -- With impeachment probably not on the table (barring a miracle), many millions of us need to rise up and send that message in November 2020 to him and his Rethuglican enablers.