Saturday, March 16, 2019

Dream Betrayed or Nightmare Avoided?

Russian thug Vladimir Putin's dream is to destroy the international alliance among his Western foes, and to advance Russia's expansionist ambitions for a new Russian / post-Soviet hegemony in Europe. Using his asset, demagogue and con man Donald "Rump" Trump as a pawn, NATO has been undermined and forced to look within itself for leadership. Putin's also supported "nationalist" political figures in Europe, like France's Marine LePen of the National Front and Hungary's right-wing strongman Viktor Orban, who frequently attacks the European Union (EU) to Putin's delight. So-called "nationalist" inroads supported by Russia extend to Austria and Italy.

In one nation, however, the go-it-alone (with Russia's malign help) movement is sputtering. The right-wingers in the UK that have tried to engineer Britain's exit from the EU (Brexit) have failed to force the UK out, despite their intense efforts. Spearheading the Brexit movement was the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), headed by a weasel named Nigel Farage, an ideological knock-off of Rump without the capped teeth and spray tan. It's no coincidence that Farage is believed to be one of the go-betweens for the Rump campaign and sociopath Julian Assange. Today, Farage is leading a band of true-believers from northeast England to London on a march to revive the Brexit scam (but won't be marching the distance, which is symbolic of the status of this ill-conceived movement). From AP:
"Almost three years after Britain voted to leave the EU, uncertainty reigns about when the country will leave, and on what terms.

A withdrawal agreement struck between May’s government and the bloc has twice been rejected by Parliament, which has also said it doesn’t want to leave the EU without a deal. Amid the deadlock, Parliament voted this week to request an extension. Meanwhile, May plans a third-time-lucky vote on her Brexit deal next week.
Delaying Brexit would require approval from all 27 remaining EU nations, who are fed up with the political bickering in London. They say they will only grant an extension if Britain has a solid plan for what to do with the extra time." (our emphasis)
If the UK regains its senses and rejoins the Western alliance's economic underpinning, it will be a good day for the West, and a bad one for the Kremlin.

(photo montage: the go-between)

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