Thursday, March 21, 2019

House Oversight Wants WH Record Documents [UPDATED]

The chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), fired off a nine-page letter to the White (Supremacist) House which says that First Shady and object of her daddy's lust Ivanka "Complicit" Trump has violated the Presidential Records Act by not preserving e-mail communications. The letter also names her husband, incompetent huckster Jared "Mr. Ivanka Trump" Kushner, and former aides Steve "Pigpen" Bannon and K.T. McFarland apparently have not complied with Federal records requirements.

Cummings has asked for the documents that he requested on December 19, 2018 as ranking member related to the handling of e-mails and text messaging in the conduct of official business by April 4, 2019. He concludes by warning the White (Supremacist) House that if this letter isn't complied with, "alternative means to obtain compliance" (i.e. subpoenas) will be considered. This is what oversight looks like, and it's long overdue for this corrupt bunch.

UPDATE: Kushner's use of his personal WhatsApp for communicating with his international cohorts, and his wife's use of personal e-mails for government business, should ring a bell ("but her e-mails") from the 2016 elections. Glass houses and all that.

(photo: Chairman Cummings kicking some ass. Getty Images)

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