Saturday, March 9, 2019

Our Broken Media: CNN's Isgur Fumble

Last month, when CNN announced that it was hiring Rethuglican political operative Sarah Isgur as an editor to coordinate its coverage of the 2020 Presidential campaign, there was widespread anger that she would skew coverage toward Rethuglicans. She had previously served on the staffs of former (Confederate States) Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, Sen. Ted "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz, and the Rethuglican National Committee. She had even pledged to Russian asset and sociopath Donald "Rump" Trump that she supported his agenda and would be "honored" to serve him. Ironically, she once referred to CNN as the "Clinton News Network." With that resume, it's a wonder that GOP TV / Fux didn't pick her up first.

Now, after the intense external and internal blowback, a defensive CNN has announced that Isgur will not be performing any editing role, but instead will appear as a "political commentator" (as if CNN didn't already have a roost full of wingnuts that keep coming and going). They should have anticipated the outcry over Isgur in an editorial role from the start, but apparently were cynically looking at drawing some Fux viewers to boost ratings. But they got caught and shamed, and rightfully so.

1 comment:

donnah said...

Instead of embracing objective reporting and coverage, CNN wants to poach FOX viewers. Going after the low-intelligence FOX viewer is really fishing in shallow water, and CNN is going to be sorry. Their viewers can turn on a dime and leave CNN looking like fools. And CNN would lose a broader audience in the meantime.

Never go Full FOX. Never go FOX at all.