Saturday, March 30, 2019

Pot Meet Kettle: Republican Hack Edition

Politic-ho helped do a job on potential Dem candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden, by mainstreaming dirt brought up by corrupt Republican hack Michael Caputo (apparently no relation to the piece's author):
"...the former vice president must not only determine how to respond, but also how to answer critics who will say Hunter Biden’s business interests make it harder for Biden as a nominee to contrast his record with Trump on the question of ties to Russia.

Trump’s defenders, who have blamed Ukrainian intelligence for some of the Trump-Russia stories, say they look forward to making Democrats pay for it if and when Biden enters the race.

'I’m pretty confident Joe Biden will be called out by his presidential primary competitors for his son getting rich off a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch’s gas company,' said Michael Caputo, a former Trump campaign consultant and top Trump defender.
He pointed to a connection with Trump’s former campaign manager that should make Democrats uneasy.

'Wait till they find out Hunter Biden’s oligarch is from the same political party Paul Manafort consulted in Ukraine,' he said. 'Old ‘Lunch Bucket Joe’ would be smart to not even get in the race.'”
(our emphasis)
We don't support a particular Dem yet (although as we've said before, we'd vote for a pail of warm dog poop against Trump), but it's well to consider Caputo's shady history. From his Wikipedia page:
"Caputo moved to Russia in 1994 after the fall of the Soviet Union, and was an adviser to Boris Yeltsin and helped elect Yeltsin to a second term as President of Russia. He worked for Gazprom Media in 2000 where he helped improve the image of Vladimir Putin in the U.S. He moved back to the U.S. and founded a public relations company, and then moved to Ukraine to work on a candidate's campaign for parliament.


Caputo was investigated by the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence as part of their investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election. In May 2016, Caputo and Roger Stone met with Henry Greenberg, a Russian national who claimed to have damaging information about Hillary Clinton. Caputo later denied contact with Russian officials or having discussed Russia with Trump or with other campaign aides. Caputo stated it was not until prosecutors informed him that Greenberg was Russian that he learned the man he had spoken with in 2016 was not a US citizen."  (our emphasis)
 For what it's worth, he's also got an affinity for Russian / Ukrainian women; he's married two (divorced the first). A honey trap kompromat? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

When a desperate hack like Caputo lives in a glass dacha, throwing stones isn't wise.

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