Friday, March 8, 2019

QOTD - His Master's Voice

"Considering these facts and given that the president often tweets things he has just seen on Fox News, is there anyone who genuinely believes that Trump is the one telling Hannity what to say? The president is clearly not a person of ideas; he’s barely a person of coherent thought, as his recent two-hour rambling “off-script”  speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference reaffirmed. Simply put, Sean Hannity is not spreading Donald Trump’s endless stream of lies, self-aggrandizing delusions and wild conspiracy theories, he’s authoring them. And Donald Trump is obediently repeating and tweeting them." -- Brian L. Ott, professor of communication studies, Texas Tech University


FelineMama said...

Excellent! Very well said Professor Ott. I knew the little tweets in His ears were coming from outside His empty head. I thought of staff, advisors, etc. Of course, Insannity. We're all gonna die. The power, & I'm NOT exaggerating, here, is SCARY. But, no one seems concerned. NO ONE!!!

W. Hackwhacker said...

FM - Trump's like a simple- minded Chauncey Gardiner, only malevolent.

donnah said...

Everyone knows this...Ann Coulter goads him into action time and time again. He does not know how to lead, he does not understand at any level how our government works, and he seeks attention and approval from his adoring propogandists at FOX. They have a hand on his puppet strings alongside Putin, and their combined influences will continue to pull our country into a pit of the worst of what Republicans have become and what Russia wants us to be.

FOX has always been and will continue to be a brainwashing force in this country, and Trump is their biggest prize.