Thursday, March 28, 2019

Russian Agent Butina And The NRA's Troubles

As Putin's pal and not exonerated liar Donald "Rump" Trump thinks he's out of the woods as far as his corruption is concerned, there are the bit players in his circle that are facing justice for their illegal acts. One of them is Russian unregistered agent Maria Butina, who is scheduled to be sentenced on April 26, used gun lobby contacts to worm her way into conservative circles to try to influence them. As long as Butina was packing heat (and bedding some of the gun humpers) she was more than welcome by them to do that.

That brings to mind the role of the National Rifle Rampage Association's record-settng financial support of Rump in 2016, including alleged funneling of Russian money to Rethuglican candidates and Rump in 2016, involving shady Russian grifter Alexander Torshin, who apparently served as Butina's handler for Moscow. The House and Senate have a total of six investigations involving the NRA and its ties to Moscow, including its possible illegal campaign contributions. With the public increasingly supportive of gun safety measures opposed by the NRA, and with its scandals being exposed, the NRA is on the ropes -- but perhaps only temporarily -- and should stay so.

BONUS: Just one of thousands of reasons to root for the NRA to be taken down hard.


  1. The Republican Party, top to bottom, is filthy with Russian influence. Shake every damned character affiliated with the NRA as well as any Republican, including all of the Trump family, and Rubles fall out.

    Go after all of them. Get all of them. Arrest all of them.

  2. donnah -- Here's hoping that the NRA has many many bad times ahead....
