With sociopath and unfit liar Donald "Rump" Trump and his minions stepping on every rake they can find (destruction of the Affordable Care Act, pulling funds from Special Olympics, punishing Puerto Rico, etc. etc.), it didn't take long for him to find another one. Now that Rump has falsely interpreted his loyal Attorney General and Fred Flintstone cosplayer William Barr's four-page whitewash on the Mueller investigation as a "total exoneration," he apparently feels emboldened enough to consider pardoning his corrupt Russiagate crowd that have already pled guilty, been indicted, sentenced, etc.
As with his malicious attempt to use the Courts to destroy the ACA, many of Rump's Rethug allies are telling him to back off or face a big backlash if he starts pardoning his gang. Of course, once Rump has gotten something fixed in his troubled mind, no amount of reason will sway him, especially if he thinks it's a winner with his cult following. That's a major reason why these figures need to be scrutinized by State attorneys general (as New York is doing with sleazy grifter Paul Manafort) on, for example, tax evasion or fraud issues, etc. relating to this scandal where a Presidential pardon is invalid.
(image: Is the Very Stable Genius making another genius move?)
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