Friday, April 19, 2019

Assange And The Seth Rich Hoax

The Mueller investigation report makes it clear that pro-Russian WikiLeaks was the engine for disseminating stolen documents aimed at undercutting the 2016 campaign of Hillary Clinton. It also reveals another piece: WikiLeaks' leader, the despicable accused rapist Julian Assange, who is now in British custody pending extradition requests from the U.S. and Sweden,  engineered a sinister smear job against Seth Rich, the murdered Democratic National Committee staffer, that was heavily promoted by right-wing media, notably the scurrilous Sean "Heil" Hannity:
"Julian Assange not only knew that a murdered Democratic National Committee staffer wasn’t his source for thousands of hacked party emails, he was in actively contact with his real sources in Russia’s GRU months after Seth Rich’s death. At the same time he was publicly working to shift blame onto the slain staffer 'to obscure the source of the materials he was releasing,'  Special Counsel Robert Mueller asserts in his final report on Russia’s role in the 2016 presidential election." (our emphasis)
Rich was killed in a botched robbery attempt in D.C. His insertion into the DNC hacked e-mail theft by Assange to cause a diversion from WikiLeaks caused tremendous pain to Rich's family:
"With Assange behind it, the Seth Rich hoax moved into the almost-mainstream, spawning a quickly-retracted report on Fox News, and a series of 'investigations' by Assange ally Sean Hannity. It also wreaked havoc in the lives of Rich’s surviving family, particularly his anguished parents who later begged perpetrators of the charade 'to give us peace, and to give law enforcement the time and space to do the investigation they need to solve our son's murder.'

Even as he was ruthlessly framing Rich to protect himself, the GRU, or both, Assange was privately communicating with his real sources to arrange the transfer of the second election leak, material the GRU stole from John Podesta’s Gmail account.
" (our emphasis)
Assange is a sick monster, posing as a public-minded journalist while acting as an arm of Russian intelligence.  It's a very good thing that he's in custody. He'll get his days in court and, if justice is served, spend some serious time behind bars.

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