Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Tweets Of The Day -- Compulsive Liars Compulsively Lie

The lying comes so naturally--

You'd think the Birther-In-Chief would know where his own father was born (the Bronx).


donnah said...

Trump says whatever he wants to. He suffers no consequences for his lies, ever. Even trivial crap like where his father was born, which makes no difference to most of us, is enough for Trump to completely lie about. That's compulsive lying. He's a bald-faced liar, and what's so bizarre is that he knows 99% of what he says is not true, and he still says it anyway.

So now a lying president is normalized and whatever, it's just Trump being Trump. My god, how far we have fallen!

W. Hackwhacker said...

donnah -- and it's so easily refuted, which makes it just so bizarre and a clear sign he has no control over his compulsion. The level of mental rot is just scary.

Bob Bancroft said...

A sociopath with great privilege is very dangerous. When his grandpa emigrated, Germany was clearly a shithole country. For much of the 19th and 20th centuries Germany was the worst country in regard to the damage it caused itself and the rest of Europe.

W. Hackwhacker said...

Bob -- and, with the Trump (Drumpf) family, they sent us "only the best people!"