Saturday, April 13, 2019

When You File Your Taxes, Remember Trump's

Last Wednesday's deadline passed without the IRS releasing sociopath and fraudster Donald "Rump" Trump's Federal tax returns  and those of the Trump Organization to the House Ways and Means Committee chairman Richard Neal.  Treasury Secretary and arrogant plutocrat Steve Mnuchin is stonewalling the House on the taxes, despite clear language in the Internal Revenue Code that requires the IRS to release anyone's tax returns to the Ways and Means Committee chairman if so ordered. Today, Chairman Neal sent a letter to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig -- a Rump lackey -- insisting that the requested tax returns be delivered to him by April 23. That's all well and good, but moving the goalposts gives the Trump regime more time to entrench and resist. A subpoena shouldn't be needed since the law is clearly behind Neal, but this is a lawless regime that we're dealing with. Mnuchin and Rettig face legal liability if they persist in protecting Rump by stonewalling the release of the tax returns, something that would be richly deserved.

Trump is terrified that an examination of his returns would reveal possible fraud and tax evasion, that his wealth is significantly exaggerated, and that he's doing business with some very shady entities. The line out of his regime is that the public doesn't care anymore and that the 2016 election settled the matter, despite the fact that polls show the public wants to see those returns he's hiding. It was reported last week that the State of New York, which has Rump's state tax returns, is preparing legislation that would allow the State's Department of Taxation and Finance to provide Congress with his State returns, which will have much of the same information as his Federal returns. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo supports the legislation, as does the State's legislative leadership.

The Dems would be utterly inept if they didn't have an event scheduled on Monday, "tax day," to highlight that Rump's refusal to release his taxes clearly means he's hiding something damaging. They have the public backing them on this issue; push it hard.

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