Thursday, May 2, 2019

How You Gut A Lying Attorney General

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) has justifiably received a lot of buzz for how she gutted Trump consigliere William Barr yesterday -- "like a fish," leaving him "flopping on the deck." This is how you do it:


  1. Alternating questions between two parties was night and day. Republican questioners buttered Barr up and Democratic questioners grilled him. He was “scorched” after Harris questioned him.

    We can't let the Republicans frame this as an unfair process. Barr should be removed from his position and investigations should move forward. They're all crooked and they need to be held accountable.

  2. donnah -- it's frustrating, but not a bit surprising, that there isn't one Republican with an ounce of integrity and fealty to the law & Constitution.

  3. They're all cowards and can't ever be counted on to speak out against their Chosen One. I wonder if at some point when Trump does something so egregious that even one Republican finally cracks, some more might join him in a rebellion.

    A girl can dream!
