Chattering clown of regressive, trickle-down economics Stephen "No Moore" Moore has been forced to withdraw as incompetent con man Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump's bizarre nominee for a seat on the Federal Reserve Board. Moore's withdrawal comes soon after fellow wingnut Herman "Shucky Ducky" Cain was forced to withdraw from consideration from the Board.
Whatever support Moore had among the Rethuglican majority in the Senate had collapsed recently, as evidence of his unfitness surfaced, from derogatory statements about women to a racist comment directed at President Obama. He also had stiffed his ex-wife out of $300,000 in support and alimony payments. We won't even go into his 18th century economic views which could be summarized as "give the wealthy more money, cut regulations down to nothing, and shift the tax burden to middle class and working families."
Senate Rethuglicans from John Thune to Joni Ernst signaled to Trump that his boneheaded pick would probably not clear the Senate confirmation process. Beyond the fact that he was effusive in his praise for narcissist Trump on TV and in print, who knows why he was...oh, wait.
BONUS: Surprise! The White (Supremacist) House just told him yesterday his nomination was "full speed ahead." Look out for that iceberg, Stevie!
Moore got totally kneecapped. Asked him if WH was going to yank his nomination: "Nope, I talked to them yesterday and the message is 'Full speed ahead, don't let them get you down.' They said the ball's in my court." Guess Trump took the ball away...— Joshua Green (@JoshuaGreen) May 2, 2019
Good riddance. It's good to see Cain and Moore get booted off the list. It was another power play by Trump that flopped. Trump doesn't understand economics and he put up partisan puppets up for positions he thought he could manipulate.
ReplyDeleteI know it's rotted corpses all the way down, but I hope there's someone on the list who isn't a complete tool. And I know that's a stretch.
donnah -- It's another example of no one warning Trump when he's making a mistake, which is regularly. His "vetting" process is identical to "fire, ready, aim."
ReplyDeleteTrump did npt drop Never Moore. He saw the handwriting on the wall and knew he would not clear the Senate. The problem for a crook like Trump is that extreme right wingers lack any qualifications for serious policy-focused positions (or, really, any political position). So Trump (or Larry Kudlow) or whatever group lobbied Trump to nominate Pizza Man and Moore-on for the Fed because any actual qualified economist would not follow Trump's "instructions" about the economy. They would know that Trump is a crook and an idiot and that the rest of the Fed Board would just point and laugh at them.
ReplyDeleteIf Trump had any brains, he would nominate his former economic adviser, Gary Cohn for the position but he's an idiot so he'll probably nominate Alex Jones or Rush Limbaugh next.
ReplyDeleteJimbo -- He'll find another nominee in the fever swamps of right-wing media. The more the person praises him, the more likely their chances.