Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Infrastructure Week #9 Off To A Rocky Start

Loser lightweight Donald "Rump" Trump, having become cornered on how to fund an infrastructure plan, suddenly (but with some obvious pre- planning) took umbrage at Speaker Pelosi's accurate comment that he was engaged in a coverup and stormed out of the infrastructure meeting he'd called at the White House with Congressional Democrats today.  He then waddled out to the Rose Garden, dry mouth and all, and proceeded to display his consciousness of guilt in his own incompetent way, saying no deals until the Democrats stop investigating him!  Here's how Speaker Pelosi described the events a few hours ago:

Very strange, but also not very surprising.

BONUS:  Just one of many risible moments in Trump's Rose Garden tantrum--

1 comment:

  1. Pelosi's early morning statements helped set Trump off, and he used that as an excuse to chicken out of the Infrastructure talks. He was not prepared to discuss details with the Democrats, so he pitched a hissy fit instead. *eyeroll*

    This morning Pelosi took another stab at the bloated ego baby and said again she would pray for him, then gently suggested that his family and close friends should maybe seek an intervention for him.

