Monday, May 6, 2019

Monday Reading

As always, please go to the links for the full articles/ op eds.

Nothing to see here!  Move along, move along!  Putin puppet and bumbling crime family head Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump is acting like, hmmm, he might just have something to hide (ya think?):
President Trump said Sunday that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III should not testify before Congress, reversing course from his previous position that the decision is up to Attorney General William P. Barr.
“Bob Mueller should not testify,” Trump said in an afternoon tweet. “No redos for the Dems! [snip]
Trump’s Sunday tweet marks a shift from what he said Friday during an exchange with reporters in the Oval Office. Asked then whether Mueller should testify before Congress and whether he would like to see the special counsel do so, Trump replied, “I don’t know. That’s up to our attorney general, who I think has done a fantastic job.”
Barr said at a news conference last month — and reiterated during his testimony last week before the Senate Judiciary Committee — that he has no objection to Mueller testifying.
The little man seems increasingly panicked, doesn't he?

For anyone under the delusion that the rotted out Republican Party is up to the job of reining in, much less taking down, the malignancy in the Oval Office, here's a dose of reality:
For people who really believed President Donald Trump could be toppled by a significant primary challenge in the 2020 election, a new poll from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal should set them straight: 90 percent of Republicans polled think Trump is doing a great job as president. (our emphasis)
Trump = Republicans, Republicans = Trump.

That Trump is a pathological liar is a known fact,  having just passed his 10,000th lie while in office. Leonard Pitts, Jr., writes about how his own profession is coddling the vicious clown:
Indeed, the very same weekend he notched his dubious milestone, Trump told a particularly gruesome whopper about supposed legislation empowering a new mother and her doctor to “determine whether or not they will execute the baby.”
And how did The New York Times respond to this flaming canard? It called it “inaccurate,” which raised something of a stink on Twitter. That’s not surprising. Calling that hogwash “inaccurate” is like saying Titanic was “delayed.”
The Times is not alone; most news organizations have resisted calling Trump’s lies lies. Their reasoning, it must be conceded, is thoughtful. After all, to call something a lie is to impose judgment. Sometimes, when people are incorrect it’s not a lie, only a mistake.
But 10,000 times in a little over two years? How gullible must you be to believe someone could be that wrong that often by accident? If any other man told you half that many untruths, you’d call him a liar. You wouldn’t hesitate. Yet here, we do.

Read more here:
Pick a side;  waffling isn't a side.

Anne Laurie has a cautionary tale:
Confession time: I voted for John Anderson in 1976 1980, because I was young & furious about Jimmy Carter’s ‘Ehh, anti-choice legislation is just something we’ll have to live with’ stance. That was the year Ronald Reagan got elected. Odds are that Reagan would’ve been shoehorned into office regardless of the Anderson protest vote, but that was a lesson for 21-year-old me: Protest votes can have ugly consequences.
Despite that warning, in 2000, protest voters chose Ralph Nader — and that gave the Repub ratfvckers enough leverage that we ended up with George Bush.
Despite that warning, in 2016, the staunch protest voters refused to ‘waste’ their precious artisanal ballot option on the filthy centrist Hillary Clinton — which gave the Repub ratfvckers and their Russian helpers the chance to install… well…
ATTENTION “LEFTIST” PROTEST VOTERS: The field experiment has been run at three intervals over the past forty years, and it’s failed ever more catastrophically every time. Stop making the same mistake!

Everything Trump touches dies, part infinity:
Michael Cohen, the former lawyer, media attack dog and all-around fixer for President Donald Trump, is scheduled to begin serving a three-year prison sentence Monday for crimes including campaign finance violations related to hush-money payments made on Trump’s behalf.

Cohen faces a 2 p.m. deadline to report to the Federal Correctional Institution, Otisville, a federal prison in the countryside 70 miles (113 kilometers) northwest of New York City. A minimum-security prison camp there has become a haven for white-collar criminals.
We'd much rather his former boss and the rest of his crime family and crooked regime occupy some of this space, but we'll have to wait a while for that.

How foolish and wretched a species are we to destroy the one world that's been our home (see, in part, polling data above)?
Up to 1 million plant and animal species are on the verge of extinction, with devastating implications for human survival, according to a United Nations report released Monday.
The report’s findings underscore the conclusions of numerous scientific studies that say human activity is wreaking havoc on the wild kingdom, threatening the existence of living things ranging from giant whales to small flowers and insects that are almost impossible to see with the naked eye.
But the global report by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services goes a step further than previous studies by linking the loss of species to humans and analyzing its effect on food and water security, farming and economies.
Now for our tip of the week:  check out Infidel 753's link round- up for a great array of items of interest.  You might spend the rest of the day clicking through it, but you won't be sorry you did. (And if you missed it the other day, please check out his "Indivisible" post, and take it to heart.)

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