Monday, May 6, 2019

Trump's Reckless Tariff Threats

Unstable demagogue and Very Stable Genius Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump (a.k.a. "Individual-1", "Clown") undermined negotiations with China this weekend by threatening to impose a 10% tariff on $200 billion of imported Chinese goods, just as the Chinese delegation was preparing for final negotiations with the U.S. on Wednesday. He also threatened to impose an additional 35% tariff on $325 billion of Chinese goods "shortly." The New York Stock Exchange responded this morning by opening sharply down 350 points. Global markets were also sent into a tailspin this morning as signs of an all  out trade war with China loomed.

The implications for a continuing trade war with China will impact most of his red state followers, which are losing billions in export business as China retaliates with their own tariffs. But beyond the schadenfreude of that development, Trump's reckless dealings on trade with China are also likely to impact negotiations with the brutal regime of North Korea. North Korea's firing of short range missiles recently signaled to Trump that their aggressive behavior wasn't affected by Trump "falling in love" with dictator Kim Jong Un. Since China accounted for 90% of North Korea's exports, they may use that leverage if talks fail to open the border with North Korea to undercut Trump's "maximum pressure" sanctions.

Once again, Trump couldn't resist overriding his own officials, believing that, as most megalomaniacs, he can bend the world to him.

(photo: The thumb goes in your mouth, dimwit)

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