Saturday, May 18, 2019

No, No, No, No, No

It's "Excerpt Two" where a fatal misreading of reality presages a possible third failed presidential campaign (click to enlarge):

In response:

He seems determined to make this pitch, doesn't he? 

The Clinton impeachment.  Swift boats.  Birtherism.  "One term president."  Obamacare sabotage.  Colluding with Russians.  Nativism.  Racism.  Homophobia.  War on women's rights.  Gun violence.  Voter suppression.  Merrick Garland.  White nationalism.  Babies in cages.  All things Trump, ffs.  And on and on, ad nauseam.

He wants to run a 1976 campaign while the country's burning down.  Somebody, make an intervention, please.  We're 50 years past the unicorn of clubby "bipartisanship."  This is a fight, and we're damn sure angry!


  1. Republicans are desperately trying to yank us back into the terrible days of illegal abortions and segregated schools. Joe Biden should know personally how horrific those days were, and he should recognize that new Republicans are worse than the ones from the past. He has to know that they will beat us, gladly on any civil or human rights issues while claiming they are doing God's will. They will not concede one inch. We cannot reach across the aisle anymore. Joe should know that when he sees the likes of Lindsey Graham and Jeff Sessions completely kowtowing to Trump. They are lost, they are impossible to work with.

    Flatten them in 2020, pursue impeachment and imprisonment for those who set up the blockades, and get this country back on track. Biden can't do it. We need new strong voices.

  2. Not angry?!!! What planet is he living on?
