Sunday, May 19, 2019

Saudis Still Agitating For War With Iran

Time's a- wastin'!  Need to get that war with Iran started while the compromised, easily manipulated dolt is still in the White House!
Saudi Arabia has called for urgent meetings of the regional Gulf Cooperation Council and the Arab League to discuss escalating tensions in the region, the kingdom’s official news agency said on Saturday.
The Saudi Press Agency (SPA) said King Salman had invited Gulf leaders and Arab states to two emergency summits in Mecca on May 30 to discuss recent “aggressions and their consequences” in the region.
John Bolton and Mike Pompeo just felt thrills up their chickenhawk spines.

A pretext for the Saudis is the recent attack on four ships in the Persian Gulf, two of them Saudi tankers, none of which were significantly damaged.  Some experts took note of how this looked =cough= suspicious, especially in light of our allies saying they saw "no increased threat" from Iran or its proxies

Note the source in the embedded news story below for another actor keen to get the United States into another quagmire in the Middle East:

Our simpleton "president" may think he's in control, but he's in way over his head versus the bonesaw crowd and the chickenhawks in his cabinet.


  1. War is a last resort. One does not order his country's men and women into potentially mortal combat lightly. Pompeo and Bolton have been spoiling for another war for years now, and they know they can manipulate this sponge-headed president into declaring it. All they have to do is tell him he needs a distraction from the mulitple investigations he's facing. He doesn't read intel, much less understand it. All of the generals are gone now; he only has war contractors and warmongers as advisers. And with his bedfellows the Saudis adding pressure, he might just lean into a battle or two with Iraq or Iran just to create more global chaos.

    Trump can't fix anything. He has bullying as his sole tactic, and some countries won't bend to that type of strategy. He's going to get a lot of people killed and he doesn't care or understand.

    It's terrifying.

  2. donnah -- these are terrifying times given the combination of incompetence, chickenhawk advisors, and foreign interests pulling for our involvement in a regional power struggle. It'll be a small miracle if we can get thru this period without starting a new war and innocent lives being lost.
