We're Hackwhackers, and we approve this message:
We can't afford to risk being divided by whatever objections anyone has to this or that candidate, including the objections I have -- and I have several, to some of them. Getting rid of Trump is too important. The inevitable duds who show up in the comments every time a blogger writes a post like this, insisting it's OK for them to vote third party because blah blah or they simply can't support candidate X because blah blah or we're doomed to lose if we choose someone too radical or someone too mainstream or too whatever -- those people are AWOL on the D-Day of American democracy. Persuade them if you can -- otherwise, forget them, write them off. The rest of us will simply have to work harder to compensate. The worst of the Democratic candidates, whoever you consider that to be, would be a thousand times better than Trump. Let's get this done.Infidel is writing about the "Indivisible Pledge" to which grassroots Democrats and Democratic candidates are asked to commit. It's sponsored by the Indivisible Project, a nonprofit whose "mission is to cultivate and lift up a grassroots movement of local groups to defeat the Trump agenda, elect progressive leaders, and realize bold progressive policies." Infidel has embedded a report by Rachel Maddow on the candidates who've already made the pledge.
Regular readers of this blog don't need us to remind them that Trump is an existential evil who needs to be removed from office, as does as much of his rotted out party as possible. The 2020 election affords us the most realistic was of achieving that end. The stakes are way too high for the resistance to fracture and become engaged in a circular firing squad. We need to stick together, keep our eyes on the ball, and as Infidel says, "Let's get this done."
Infighting is fatal to a party, political or otherwise. Democrats do it because we tend to have higher principles and we want some degree of morals and honesty in our candidates. Republicans don't, because they are unified behind their plan of electing the candidate who will help them achieve their goals of enriching the rich and destroying everyone else.
ReplyDeleteWe do have to stop the circular firing squads and focus sharply on a candidate who will take us across the finish line. I'm not too worried yet, as we have a bounty of candidates and while it seems overwheming, we know that most will be forced out and then the debates will shed more of those. But let's keep putting pressure on our candidates to speak up and define themselves and we'll be able to see clearly who best represents us. Righ now it's a lot of noise.
I'm not the first to say this, but I'll crawl over broken glass to vote for a Democrat. We cannot throw any votes away, and we must encourage everyone we know to vote Trump and his swamp-dwelling party out of office. This is for all the marbles. Don't fuck it up.
donnah -- agree completely.