Saturday, May 4, 2019

Tweets Of The Day -- Heapin' Helpin' Of Halperin

We noted yesterday the boomlet led by friends of disgraced Republican legacy hire Mark Halperin to get him back on tee vee in time for his astute observations about the 2020 race.  The reactions have been too good to pass up.  Here are a few examples:

Here's one where his good buddies yuk it up like the bunch of puerile jackasses they are when Halperin calls President Obama ... well, you'll see:

Now, let's hope that's the last time we have to post about or think about this worthless hack.  (Maybe these Russian cutout bugf*ckers will hire him.)


  1. These disgusting sex offenders are like reanimated zombies. They were down and out, giving up jobs and being dismissed by society, but their disgusting friends want to being them back.

    Let the rotten souls stay where they are!
