Friday, June 21, 2019

59% Say Trump Should Not Be Reelected

The latest Monmouth University poll has more bad news for sociopath and demagogue Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump. Only 37% say Trump should be reelected, with 59% saying that someone else should serve as President. On his key campaign issues, only 23% say he's made progress in "draining the swamp" of Washington (versus 67% saying worse or no change), and only 31% say the country is on the right track (versus 62% saying wrong track). As far as Trump addressing the issues they care about, 41% say he is, while 55% say he's not.

The poll was conducted June 12 - 17 using a random national sample of adults aged 18 and older.


  1. And this is without the economy having suffered much real damage from his idiotic tariff wars, or an actual shooting war somewhere. If either of those things happens in the next sixteen months, Trump could end up losing in the biggest popular-vote blowout in living memory. Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

  2. Infidel -- You raise good points about his vulnerabilities. His recklessness may drive his numbers even lower.(Also, thanks for the link at Crooks and Liars today!)

  3. We're going to NEED that blowout if we're to overcome the Republicans' voter suppression tactics and Electoral College advantage.

    The polls don't mean squat if the polled can't/don't cast votes.

  4. bluzdude -- Yes. They'll do everything in their power to suppress the Dem vote if we let them. The only numbers that matter are the voting results.
