Friday, June 21, 2019

Do You Know Where Your Teenage Girls Are?

Alabammy Republicans are in for another carnival ride: disgraced accused pedophile Roy "Teen Spirit" Moore has announced he's running for the Senate against Dem Sen. Doug Jones in 2020. Moore was accused by multiple women (see here and here) of sexual assault while they were minors and he was in his 30s. His m.o. was to hang out in malls checking out young girls, until he was banned. He acknowledged that he first met his wife Kayla when she was 15 and performing in a dance recital; he was 29.

Moore made his career as a judge by erasing the line between church and state, spouting his odd biblical beliefs while hiding his creepy, predatory past. He rose to notoriety over his placement of a Ten Commandments monument in the Alabama Judicial Building, a move that was declared unconstitutional by Federal court.

The Republican political establishment is worried about Moore's candidacy, and wants him defeated in their primary election (while wholeheartedly supporting fellow sexual predator President P*ssygrabber). The problem is, Alabama Republican voters selected Moore to run once before, and he just lost by a narrow margin to Jones. They were more than willing to overlook Moore's disgusting past, as they marched to the polls with their tribal, Bible-banging hypocrisy, and may well again.

(photo: Ridin' to the mall to check out the fillies? Love the "brand" on his horse.)

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