Saturday, June 22, 2019

Because Lying Rapists Lie

Responding to yesterday's explosive allegation in New York Magazine by journalist E. Jean Carroll that she was raped by sexual predator Donald "Grab 'Em" Trump in the mid-90s, Trump vehemently denied her claim, saying:
“I’ve never met this person in my life. She is trying to sell a new book — that should indicate her motivation. It should be sold in the fiction section.” (our emphasis)
Photograph, please:

L. to R.: Trump, Carroll, Carroll's ex-husband, Ivana Trump, circa 1987

According to some legal experts familiar with the statute of limitations in New York for rape, Trump's likely safe. And Carroll won't press charges.

Carroll still has the coat she wore that day, which she wears on the New York Magazine cover:
"The Donna Karan coatdress still hangs on the back of my closet door, unworn and unlaundered since that evening."
In a just world, it could have been the equivalent of Monica Lewinsky's blue dress.

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