Thursday, June 6, 2019

D-Day, 75 Years On

Seventy-five years ago today, D-Day, Operation Overlord was launched: the invasion of Hitler's "Fortress Europe" ("Festung Europa").  This footage from the historic "Victory at Sea" television documentary series provides a dramatic look at the planning, preparation and execution of this heroic effort by primarily British, Canadian and American forces, but including forces from Australia, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Greece, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and Poland.

Documentary filmmaker Jack Lieb narrates his color footage of D-Day -- before, during and after.  He puts names to some of the faces -- a small subset of the generation to whom we owe so very much. 

It's hard to swallow that the evil that these heroes fought so valiantly is still extant in the world.


  1. And it's harder still to acknowlege that this president comes down on the side of the Nazi followers who should by all rights be extinct as a movement. Because there's a wide swath of Nazi enthusiasts who will vote for and celebrate Trump, and he can't afford to alienate them. I'm sure that Churchill and all the Allies who died for the noble cause are spinning in their graves whenever Trump opens his ugly mouth. And it's a bitter tragedy that this gold-plated draft dodger is allowed to speak about D-Day at all.

  2. donnah -- he represents what so many fought and died for, and now he's on a world stage trying to act like he's in the same league as the lowest rank G.I. who died on D-Day. Days like this make it seem there's no justice in the world.
