Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Mid-Week Birds Song

The hugely popular alternative rock band Imagine Dragons have sold 12 million albums worldwide, garnering Grammy and American Music Awards along the way since they formed in 2008. They released their latest single, "Birds", last week. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm, yummy! I love the chorus.

    I love alt rock and indie bands. There's a band called Frightened Rabbit and they were a favorite of mine. Sadly, the lead singer/songwriter had a troubled soul and took his own life last year. I can't listen to their albums now without being overwhelmed.

    But recently another band did a cover of one of my favorites by Frightened Rabbit, My Backwards Walk. Their version was beautiful and let me enjoy the song again. I feel like sometimes there is so much going on in the world that music is a welcome escape.

    So, a long way to say thanks!
