Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Tweets Of The Day -- Pharisee Says What

Russell Moore is the President of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention (in other words, hardly a secular liberal):

Here's a response from a loathsome "Christian" charlatan and hypocrite (screenshot, in case he subsequently deletes):

Some of our favorite responses at Pharisee Falwell's Twitter, where he's getting ratioed like the common grifter he is:


  1. These fake Christians show their true colors under duress. And they forget one of the biggies about “he who is without sin casting the first stone”. They cannot see their own sins and have no understanding of true Christianity. They belong in prison.

  2. donnah -- they're hucksters pure and simple: the "prosperity gospel" fakes, the Republicans posing as "Christian" moral arbiters (Ralph Reed), etc. They're only interested in "faith" as a business proposition, hence Falwell's revealing tweet.
