Saturday, June 29, 2019

Tweets Of The Day -- An Idiot Abroad

(Spoiler alert!) When he's not selling out America and palling around with dictators, Putin's useful idiot Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump is busy making an ass of himself on the world stage:

Rest assured none of the idiocy will be reported on the corporate news networks tonight, just as most ignored E. Jean Carroll's rape accusation, or made it a one- day story.  Access assholes.


  1. Trump will believe that he has dominated the world stage yet again, sitting down with other leaders and making them agree to his terms on trade and tariffs. He believes he has won over Putin and now has an “impromptu” handshake with Kim Jong Un, which, to his mind, means he's creating a new partnership. Trump will return, triumphant in his own glory and as convinced as ever that he's the supreme dealmaker.

    But those of us with eyes and brains just see another embarrassing sideshow by Trump and his clueless children, kowtowing to the murderous dictators and elevating them to a status they do not deserve, creating a vortex that will suck us all under. I'm sure Trump is simply edging toward real estate deals with other countries and also attempting to make others believe he is the master of negotiating.

    We know better.
