Sunday, June 30, 2019

Trump Gets His Photo-op With Kim

Demagogue and dictator-admiring sociopath Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump continued on his kowtow tour of Asia with a photo-opportunity at the Demilitarized Zone with North Korean despot Kim Jong Un. Eager to be "first" at anything, Trump loped up to the demarcation line and greeted Kim, who has been sending him flattering "love letters" designed to provide cover for his continuation of his nuclear weapons program. Again, Kim will claim a propaganda victory as Trump invites himself to the DMZ to praise the dictator responsible for the death of Otto Warmbier, and abandon any pretense to representing American values of universal human rights.

Imagine, if you will, the volcanic outrage of Rethuglicans if this had been President Obama or President Hillary Clinton engaging in this debasing performance, not only at the DMZ, but snuggling up with Saudi Arabia's murderous Mohammed bin "Bone Saw" Salman or his benefactor, Russian thug and autocrat Vladimir Putin a day earlier in Osaka, Japan for the G-20 summit. Worse still, he was accompanied by his lusted-after daughter Ivanka, swanning around with her consort Jared Kushner while being ignored by the adults, and white nationalist propagandist Tucker "Mothertucker" Carlson. Such despicable people.

(photo: ABC News)

1 comment:

  1. Trump loves photo ops, so this was no big surprise. It also seems unlikely that it was a spontaneous “drop in and say hey” deal, either, as the two thugs had corresponded recently and probably planned it already. One doesn't just drop by the NK DMZ for a chatty handshake.

    This is likely to go nowhere in denuclearization terms, as evidenced by the offhand remarks Trump made about setting up negotiating teams and adding that there's no hurry, just getting something something done.

    This is Trump, looking for his Nobel Prize. Obama got one, after all, for basically doing nothing, and Trump went and stood in North Korea. So of course he deserves it.
