Thursday, June 13, 2019

Watchdog Group: Conway Must Be Fired

Alternative facts generator and human-piranha hybrid Kellyanne "Conjob" Conway has been a strident voice for authoritarian Dear Leader and unindicted co-conspirator Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump, so much so that she's continually in the media attacking Dems and doing whatever she can to advance Trump's re-election hopes. The problem is, as a Federal employee, she's barred from doing so by the Hatch Act.

Today, the Federal Office of Special Counsel (OSC), which polices wrongdoing by Federal officials, recommended to Trump that Conway be removed from her job in a 17-page report. The OSC, which is headed by Rethuglican appointee Henry Kerner,
"...found that Conway violated the law during more than half a dozen interviews with Fox News and CNN between February and May 2019, including by accusing Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) of 'lying' about her ethnicity, calling Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) 'sexist' and attacking former Vice President Joe Biden’s 'vision' as well as his 'very dark and spooky' campaign announcement video. [snip]
It also said Conway misused her @KellyannePolls Twitter account for political purposes by stating her support for Trump’s reelection campaign, tweeting “#2020:I’mWithHim,” as well as bashing Booker for sounding 'like a Hallmark card' and dubbing Biden 'Creepy Uncle Joe.'

The report cited 'numerous aggravating factors' in the decision to call for Conway’s firing, including its March 2018 finding that she violated the Hatch Act by weighing in on the 2017 Alabama Senate race but failed to rectify her behavior."  
(our emphasis)
With her lawless boss in charge, Conway need not fear removal any time soon, if at all. As long as she's fiercely loyal to him, she'll be protected. Indeed, the initial response from the White (Supremacist) House was to circle the wagons around her, and Conway herself has been contemptuous about the charges, saying last month, "Let me know when the jail sentence starts."

Right now, she's hiding behind Trump's large ass, sticking out her tongue at the law and daring it to be applied. She's a poster child for the corruption and criminality of this regime.

(photo: Associated Press)

1 comment:

  1. The OSC is comprised of Republican appointees, so Trump can't squawk about partisanship, but he will anyway.

    Kelly Ann started this nonsense the first day on the job. Remember her touting Ivanka's clothing line and commenting that people should go buy her stuff? And then a constant barrage against Democrats, which is also a violation of The Hatch Act. And she's snide and snotty.

    DO SOMETHING! Get rid of these cheats, liars, frauds.
