Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy Fourth Of July!

The Fyre Festival is a brilliant analogy.

Be safe and enjoy!


Infidel753 said...

Mr. Trump, you're Fyred! Tragedy at the border, farce in the capital. I saw a report that the air shows have been canceled due to the risk of extreme weather, which I hope is true. Somebody could have gotten killed for this nonsense.

W. Hackwhacker said...

Infidel -- Could be shaping up to be the most epic fail since the biggest inauguration crowds ever witnessed by man!

One Fly said...

Have a feeling there are many pissed off people who have had their holiday taken away by this horses ass for no reason except for himself alone.

W. Hackwhacker said...

One Fly -- this was an extra burden the military, Park Service and local first responders had to put up with, over and above the traditional "Capitol Fourth" celebration on the Mall. Your sense that people who had to staff this ego trip instead of being with their families, as well as tens of thousands of visitors who normally would be going downtown to see the fireworks but have now changed plans, are PISSED -- is right on.

One Fly said...

I forgot to say that I wish the networks would state a bunch of reasons why no coverage. Only one reason for it and dozens of "no" reasons. It's time this doofus starts getting called out for what he is.