Wednesday, July 3, 2019

DHS Inspector General Report Confirms Abuse At Migrant Concentration Camps

The pictures are from the DHS Inspector General's report  “Management Alert—DHS Needs to Address Dangerous Overcrowding and Prolonged Detention of Children and Adults in the Rio Grande Valley.”  Here's a link to the report.

Meanwhile, a tiny man with tiny fingers and a tiny, sick brain confirms that the cruelty is the whole point:

Malignant son of a bitch.


  1. It seems now that Trump is indeed untouchable. He gets his multimillion dollar vanity parade/pep rally, he tells a judge he wants the citizenship question on the census forms, is denied, and then immediately says he won't honor the ruling and wants the question added immediately. He sees and hears about the conditions in the camps and completely goes total dictator, He told them not to come and so it's their fault they're suffering. And he's reordering the sweeps by ICE to start soon, where human beings will be literally dragged out of their homes and deported.

    Trump is power mad. He's getting everything he wants, everything the Republicans have wished for, and he wants more and more and more. It is infuriating that he seems to be able to keep doing it. But having Democrats furious is his other triumph. He and the Republicans are giddy and gloating that we're angry because they believe we cannot stop them.

  2. donnah -- we kicked their asses in the mid-terms and we have to believe we'll do it again when it's Trump on the ballot! To coin a new phrase, all BAD things come to an end!

  3. It says a lot to me when we see the suffering being inflicted on these people who have come here in desperate need and we want to do everything we can to help them, while Trump and his party revile them and relish inflicting more and more cruelty on them.

    It says who we are, plain and simple, and I see it as another fight between good and evil. We have to fight for the win. Good wins over evil. I'm just going to keep saying it over and over.
