Tuesday, July 2, 2019

House Sues Treasury Over Trump's Tax Returns

Turning up the heat on fraudster and sexual predator Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump, the House Ways and Means Committee has finally sued the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service for the release of his tax returns. Lying about releasing them during the 2016 campaign, Trump has refused to release them, increasing interest in what he's hiding. The annoying delay in getting around to taking the matter to the U.S. District Court in DC was part of the Committee's strategy to exhaust all means of getting them, showing the court that they'd followed due process and faced obstruction.

During his testimony, former Trump fixer Michael Cohen testified that Trump would either inflate his assets to obtain financing, or minimize them when it came to paying taxes. The State of New York is also seeking his state tax returns, which should align with the Federal returns. Of particular interest are the relationships Trump has with foreign banks and oligarchs, and the depth of those connections which may still be operating and which would compromise his decisions on behalf of the U.S.

(photo: Hiding something are we?)

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