The House of Representatives passed a resolution last night condemning the racist tweets of malignant bone spur Donald "Not Exonerated" Trump. We like the truthful and straightforward way the Washington Post framed it on their front page:
A divided House voted Tuesday to condemn President Trump’s racist remarks telling four minority congresswomen to “go back” to their ancestral countries, with all but a handful of Republicans dismissing the rebuke as harassment while many Democrats pressed their leaders for harsher punishment of the president.
All but four Republicans voted against the resolution (a fifth being recent apostate Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan). We wish them well in their future careers after they're primaried out of office by frothing red hats.The imagery of the 240-to-187 vote was stark: A diverse Democratic caucus cast the president’s words as an affront to millions of Americans and descendants of immigrants, while Republican lawmakers — the vast majority of them white men — stood with Trump against a resolution that rejected his “racist comments that have legitimized fear and hatred of new Americans and people of color.” (our emphasis)
While it's not at all surprising that, at all levels, the white nationalist Party of Trump has nothing resembling a moral conscience anymore, we're increasingly surprised at the turn our hometown newspaper has taken, at least on this particular topic. (We should also note that on the NBC Nightly News last night, Lester Holt referred to the Trump tweets as racist, several days after they were weaseling it as "some have called racist." We imagine there's been some professional and public blowback that's resulted in getting these media outlets to finally call a racist a racist. Baby steps.) No one, in any walk of life, who sees what's going on in this country should be silent, least of all the media. The stakes are too real and too high.
BONUS: Just as they began to savor their victory, Rep. Al Green (TX) promptly stepped on it by filing articles of impeachment against Trump, a premature move that will put the majority of Dems in opposition prior to Robert Mueller's testimony, and that will give Trump a diversion from his racist tweet debacle. As progressive Dem Rep. Jaime Raskin (MD) said, “I'm enough of a political pragmatist to believe that you call votes when you think you can win them, not when you think you can lose them.”
BONUS II: While some in the media may be learning, some are obstinately missing the whole point.
(Photo: Blinded by the white -- the House Republican caucus takes its oath to defend racist white nationalism)
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