Thursday, August 22, 2019

AP Poll: Only 36% Approve Of Trump's Performance

A new poll released by the Associated Press / NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows pathological liar and mentally unstable Donald "Very Stable Genius" Trump with 62% of the public disapproving of his job performance, compared to only 36% who approve:
"The numbers may be ugly for a first-term president facing reelection in 14 months, but they are remarkably consistent. Trump’s approval rating has never dipped below 32% or risen above 42% in AP-NORC polls since he took office. By comparison, President Barack Obama’s approval never dropped below 40% in polling by Gallup." (our emphasis)
Interestingly, based on previous polling, the public hasn't reacted significantly to predictions of a recession caused by Trump's trade wars, but he is still underwater on the economy with 51% disapproving of his performance.

The poll was conducted between August 15 - 19, and has a sampling error of plus or minus 4.2%.

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