Friday, August 16, 2019

Guns & Glam: LaPierre's Wife's Expensive Needs

The unfolding saga of the National Rifle Rampage Association's deepening financial difficulties along with the turmoil in its leadership ranks continues today with the exclusive report in the Daily Beast that evil gun merchant-in-chief Wayne LaPierre's wife Susan has spent tens of thousands on hair and makeup stylists. That includes not only their lengthy time and heroic effort in sprucing up Ms. LaPierre, but in luxury hotel stays and private jets to transport them. The hair and makeup artists are based in Nashville and have gone wherever she appears for speaking engagements or meetings. Now, the NRA is trying to minimize the fallout:
"According to one of the sources, the stylists were booked to provide hair and makeup services for LaPierre at its member gathering in Indianapolis this past April. But as media reports emerged with allegations of extravagant spending by the gun group, NRA officials worried the Nashville stylists’ presence could attract scrutiny. So they canceled on them at the last minute. Because the cancellation came so late, the NRA still had to pay their fees." (our emphasis)
D'oh!  Maybe the membership of the NRA will get wise to the imperial tastes of the LaPierres, which come out of their annual membership dues. It should be increasingly hard for a hardscrabble Cletus to justify forking over his NRA dues when they're going to make Ms. LaPierre presentable, rather than feed his dog or making sure every man, woman and child gets access to assault rifles with mega-round drum magazines. Priorities!

(Photo:  Hair today, gun tomorrow?)

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