Friday, August 16, 2019

Weekend Love Times Three Music

Blog musical curator and Silver Spring Bureau Chief Brian has directed our attention to a classic Los Angeles band long praised by critics that we lost in the fog of time:  Love.  One of the few racially diverse bands that formed in the '60s, Love was led by the ill- starred genius Arthur Lee.  Fellow original band member/ guitarist/ songwriter Bryan MacLean was briefly a roadie for The Byrds (as well as a David Crosby bud), whose music inspired some of Love's early songwriting.  We're featuring one song ("No Matter What You Do") from their eponymous first album and two from their third album, "Forever Changes," which is generally rated among the top 50 rock albums of all time, "Alone Again Or" and "Maybe The People..."  Hope you enjoy.


  1. The "No Matter What You Do" album cover is quintessentially late '60s bands that followed the English Wave. Don't know which Silver Spring Brian hails from but this Silver Spring (MD) resident approves of his choice.

  2. Jimbo -- he's in your Maryland neighborhood! Thanks for your comment!
