Wednesday, August 7, 2019

It's More Than A "Flawed" Headline

Seth Meyers calls out the effing New York Times, which arguably has learned nothing in the past 5 years in covering (and covering for) the racist- in- chief:

The Times has an infuriatingly uneven track record covering Trump.  It's investigative reporting on the Trump Organization finances is Pulitzer- worthy, for example.  But it's twee inability to simply call Trump a liar, it's slips into both- siderism, or bending too far over backwards to present Trump as somehow normal are some of the greatest failings of what was once, not long ago, a great newspaper.

BONUS:  As a measure of how utterly wrong the Times was, the racist- in- chief thought the original headline was just fine.  Keep up the good work, Times!  (We're not depending on you.)

BONUS II:  Silver Spring Bureau Chief Brian directs us to The Onion's version of how the Times headline might have played out.

BONUS III:  The Times' ace White (Supremacist) House reporter ass kisser provides another example of how deeply flawed their "journalism" is, with a big dose of both- sider hackery (scroll down to the end of the story).

BONUS IV:  Jay Rosen looks at the media- wide problem.  Must read.

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